Buffalo Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Archives

The History of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trangendered Community in Buffalo, NY

Hello world!

Welcome to the new blog format home of the Buffalo GBLT archives. Switching to this format will allow us to be more active in our updates and will also make it easier for us to post and collaborate. Now, all of our members will be able to post items, and we will be able to do our work from many locations, not just one.Gay Pride Parade

We hope to text and scan many of our printed materials, and we invite your stories and remembrances of Buffalo’s past.

Many of the people who have worked with us in the past have “lived” the history of the community, but we also have young and eager interns who are taking pride in their history while learning archival and cataloging techniques.

We are always seeking donations of collections, volunteers, and monetary donations. Please use any of the comment sections to get in touch with us (your email is given to us but is not public).

Please use the index tab to view archive items we have posted. Our regular posts in these sections will keep you informed on our progress, articles of interest, and the fascinating history of the Buffalo’s GBLT community.

1 Comment»

  towerman8 wrote @

Glad to seethis new site! I hope it will encourage all the “Rainbow Elders” of Buffalo to share their stories with the world.

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